Join us

Please read about our aims and politics before filling out the JSG membership form.

We stand for rights and justice for Jews everywhere without wrongs and injustice to other people anywhere.

We are socialists, diasporists and secularists. As socialists we know that there can be no secure future for Jews, other minorities, working people and the unemployed under an economic system that promotes greed over need. 

Our aims

• To be a campaigning organisation which fights for freedom and equality
• To combat antisemitism, other forms of racism, disability discrimination, and sexism
• To be a socialist voice within the Jewish community
• To work within the left for a socialism that embraces cultural diversity
• To give a voice and a platform to Jews who do not fear open debate or interaction with other communities. 
• To work and campaign with other organisations that share some or all of our aims.

Our politics


We are anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist and we campaign for social justice locally, nationally and internationally. We join with others to fight discrimination and persecution and we also challenge conservative forces within our own community. We work for a socialist solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict, based on equality and self-determination for Israeli and Palestinian Jews and Arabs and an end to occupation.


As diasporists we celebrate the fact that the Jews are an international people. In the diaspora we are at home, not in exile, and no single Jewish community takes precedence over others. We support the right of Jews and other ethnic minorities to live in security and harmony with other communities wherever they are in the world, and to be free to express and develop their historical and cultural identities.


As secularists we fight for democracy, equality and the right to dissent within the Jewish community and in the wider society. We campaign for equal treatment by the state for people of all religions and none. Jewish identity is diverse and dynamic, and we are especially committed to strengthening a progressive, secular Jewish identity.

The JSG welcomes all individuals who agree to work for our political principles and to support the policies democratically decided at our annual conference. You can join today by completing and returning the form below.

A year’s membership costs £15 (waged) or £7.50 (unwaged).

There are three ways of paying your membership subscription:

  • by cheque
  • by BACS direct payment
  • via PayPal

JSG membership form

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